Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Getting my feet wet...

So...I did it...I FINALLY did it! I've thought about starting a blog for quite some time now but never had the time. Allow me to introduce myself MY NAME IS HOV!!! Oh wait, that's not my line *clears throat* I'm Alisha Thompson Congress; some know me as "Dr. Congress" or "Ant's wife", or "the Delta", or "Pastor Thompson's daughter", or "Wayne's sister"-but Alisha will suffice :-) I'm a 32 year old Family Medicine Physician adjusting to my new, exciting and ever evolving life as Mrs/Dr. Congress. I met my husband of almost 16 months over a decade ago and after losing touch for a few years, we reunited and got married on what I will always regard as one of the most beautiful days of my life. I'm the oldest of 2 children and yes, you guessed right I'm a PK (preacher's kid). I gave my life to Christ many years ago and haven't regretted it since- not perfect by any means but forgiven. I love all things fashion, all things makeup related, all things love. I'm as silly as they come and probably a little corny...don't judge me. I have SO many things to talk about-much of which will be one long ramble at times LOL! Anywho, put your seatbelts on and prepare for all types of crazy! I hope you all enjoy the ride on my roller coaster of a life <3